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Consular Agency of Canada in Acapulco, Mexico

Consular Agency of Canada in Acapulco, Mexico, located at Pasaje Diana, Avenida Costera Miguel Alemán 121, L-16, Fracc. Magallanes. View a location map, get driving directions or find information about the address, phone, fax, consular jurisdiction, consular services, and more.

  • Address

    Pasaje Diana, Avenida Costera Miguel Alemán 121, L-16, Fracc. Magallanes
    39670 Acapulco, Gro.
  • Telephone

    +52 55 5724 9794

  • Fax

    +52 744 484 1306

  • Email

    [email protected]

  • Office Hours

    Please call the Consular Agency of Canada in Acapulco, Mexico, at +52 55 5724 9794 to find out the current hours of operation and other details.

Consular Jurisdiction

Guerrero and Michoacán

Location Map

Location map of the Consular Agency of Canada in Acapulco, Mexico

Most common services Canadian diplomatic missions provide are listed below:

  • Passports

    Apply or renew while abroad, report for lost or stolen passport.

  • Visas and Immigration

    Find out if you need a visa.

  • Emergency Services for Canadian citizens

    Arrest and detention, child welfare, abduction and custody issues, death abroad, lost or stolen belongings abroad, hijacking, hostage takings and kidnappings, physical assault, sickness or injury, natural disasters and civil emergencies, etc. For more information please check Emergency assistance.

Besides Consular Agency of Canada in Acapulco, Mexico Canada also has 9 representations in the following cities of Mexico:

All diplomatic missions of Canada in Mexico

Diplomatic missions of Canada in neighbouring countries/regions of Mexico:

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Mexico in Canada

Mexico has 10 representations in the following cities:

Pie chart

This pie chart shows worldwide diplomatic missions of Canada by type

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This page was last edited on 31 July 2024 at 03:23 AM (EST).