Vice Consulate of Italy in Belém, Brazil
Vice Consulate of Italy in Belém, Brazil, located at Av. Romulo Maiorana, 2473 - Marco. View a location map, get driving directions to the Consulate of Italy, or find information about the address, phone, an online resource such as the official website, consular services, visa list, upcoming holidays, and more.
Consulate Address
Av. Romulo Maiorana, 2473 - Marco
Belém, PA 66093-005
Brazil -
+55 91 99201 1968, +55 91 3216 1142
Office Hours
Please call the Vice Consulate of Italy in Belém, Brazil at +55 91 99201 1968, +55 91 3216 1142 for details.
Location Map
Use the map below for detailed directions and nearby points of interest.
Upcoming Holidays
Please note that the Consulate may be closed on the following holidays. We recommend contacting the Consulate directly to confirm their operating hours or availability on these dates.
- Carnival: March 03 to March 04
- Ash Wednesday: March 05
- Good Friday: April 18
- Easter Sunday: April 20
Visa Requirements
If you hold a Brazilian passport, you do not need a visa to enter Italy.
Common Visa Types
Citizens of qualified countries may be able to travel to Italy without a visa. The most common types of Italy visas are the following.
- Uniform Schengen Visas (USV)
- Limited Territorial Validity Visas (LTV)
- Long sojourn or "national" Visas (NV)
Online Resources
Explore the consulate and the services it offers. Visit their official website or follow them on their social media platforms.
Additional Missions in Brazil
Besides Vice Consulate of Italy in Belém, Brazil, Italy also has 31 representations in the following cities of Brazil:
- Brasília - DF (Embassy)
- Recife (Consulate)
- Rio de Janeiro (Consulate General)
- São Paulo (Consulate General)
- Curitiba (Consulate General)
- Porto Alegre (Consulate General)
- Belo Horizonte (Consulate)
- Campinas (Honorary Consul)
- Juiz de Fora (Consular Agency)
- Londrina (Honorary Consul)
- Manaus (Honorary Consul)
- Paranaguá (Honorary Consul)
- Ribeirão Preto (Honorary Consul)
- Rio Grande (Honorary Consul)
- Salvador (Honorary Consul)
- Vitória (Honorary Consul)
- Amparo (Consular Agency)
- Campo Grand (Honorary Consul)
- Jundiaí (Honorary Consul)
- Natal (Consular Agency)
- Passo Fundo (Consular Agency)
- Rio Claro (Honorary Consul)
- Santa Maria (Consular Agency)
- Santo André (Honorary Consul)
- São José do Rio Preto (Consular Agency)
- Criciúma (Consular Agency)
- Bento Gonçalves (Consular Agency)
- Guarulhos (Consular Agency)
- Boa Vista (Consular Agency)
- Florianópolis (Honorary Consul)
- Fortaleza (Honorary Consul)
Diplomatic Missions in Neighboring Countries
Explore the diplomatic missions of Italy in neighboring countries or regions of Brazil.
- Buenos Aires, Argentina (Embassy)
- Córdoba, Argentina (Consulate General)
- Rosario, Argentina (Consulate General)
- Bahía Blanca, Argentina (Consulate General)
- La Plata, Argentina (Consulate General)
- Mendoza, Argentina (Consulate General)
- San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Formosa, Argentina (Consulate)
- Lomas de Zamora, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Mar del Plata, Argentina (Consulate)
- Morón, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Necochea, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Resistencia, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Salta, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Santiago del Estero, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- San Isidro, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Viedma, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Las Varillas, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Pergamino, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Rafaela, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Río Cuarto, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- San Rafael, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Santa Rosa, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Tandil, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Tres Arroyos, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Villa María, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Puerto Madryn, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- La Paz, Bolivia (Embassy)
- Santa Cruz, Bolivia (Honorary Consul)
- Sucre, Bolivia (Honorary Consul)
- Santiago, Chile (Embassy)
- Concepción, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Valparaíso, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Iquique, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Copiapó, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- La Serena, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Punta Arenas, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Bogotá, Colombia (Embassy)
- Barranquilla, Colombia (Honorary Consul)
- Cali, Colombia (Honorary Consul)
- Cartagena, Colombia (Honorary Consul)
- Medellín, Colombia (Honorary Consul)
- Bucaramanga, Colombia (Consular Agency)
- Willemstad, Curaçao (Honorary Consul)
- Quito, Ecuador (Embassy)
- Guayaquil, Ecuador (Honorary Consul)
- Cayenne, French Guiana (Honorary Consul)
- Asunción, Paraguay (Embassy)
- Ciudad del Este, Paraguay (Honorary Consul)
- Encarnación, Paraguay (Honorary Consul)
- Lima, Peru (Embassy)
- Arequipa, Peru (Honorary Consul)
- Tacna, Peru (Consular Agency)
- Ancash, Peru (Honorary Consul)
- Cusco, Peru (Honorary Consul)
- Paramaribo, Suriname (Honorary Consul)
- Montevideo, Uruguay (Embassy)
- Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay (Honorary Consul)
- Paysandú, Uruguay (Honorary Consul)
- Maldonado, Uruguay (Honorary Consul)
- Rivera, Uruguay (Consular Agency)
- Tacuarembó, Uruguay (Consular Agency)
- Caracas, Venezuela (Embassy)
- Maracaibo, Venezuela (Consulate)
- Barcelona-Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Maracay, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- San Juan de los Morros, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Valencia, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Barinas, Venezuela (Consular Agency)
- Ciudad Ojeda, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Los Teques, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Maturín, Venezuela (Consular Agency)
- Mérida, Venezuela (Consular Agency)
- Porlamar, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- San Cristóbal, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Coro, Venezuela (Consular Agency)
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Local Times and Last Update
This page was last edited on 11 January 2024 at 05:38 AM (EST).