Embassy of Italy in Bogotá, Colombia
Embassy of Italy in Bogotá, Colombia, located at Calle 93B # 9-92. View a location map, get driving directions to the Embassy of Italy, or find information about the address, phone, emergency contacts, online resources including the official website, Facebook page, and Twitter, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM).
Embassy Address
Calle 93B # 9-92
Colombia -
+57 1 218 7206, Consular Services: +57 601 651 4806
Emergency Phone
+57 322 945 9192 (strictly for use in emergency situations such as accidents, arrests, urgent health issues, and similar circumstances.)
[email protected]
Consular Affairs: [email protected]
Visa Matters: [email protected] -
Office Hours
Please call the Embassy of Italy in Bogotá, Colombia at +57 1 218 7206, Consular Services: +57 601 651 4806 for details.
Location Map
Use the map below for detailed directions and nearby points of interest.
Available Services
The following is a brief listing of services offered at the Embassy of Italy in Bogotá, Colombia.
- Process passport applications
- Process visa applications
- Notarize certain documents
- Legalization of documents
- Issuing emergency travel documents
- Registration of marriage, birth, and death
- Authentication of documents
- Emergency consular assistance
Common Visa Types
Citizens of qualified countries may be able to travel to Italy without a visa. The most common types of Italy visas are the following.
- Uniform Schengen Visas (USV)
- Limited Territorial Validity Visas (LTV)
- Long sojourn or "national" Visas (NV)
Head of Mission
Giancarlo Maria Curcio, Ambassador
Related Content
Passport Services
Notarial Services
Consular Assistance
Visa Services
Online Resources
Explore the embassy and its services. Visit their official website or follow them on their social media platforms.
Additional Missions in Colombia
Besides Embassy of Italy in Bogotá, Colombia, Italy also has 5 representations in the following cities of Colombia:
- Barranquilla (Honorary Consul)
- Cali (Honorary Consul)
- Cartagena (Honorary Consul)
- Medellín (Honorary Consul)
- Bucaramanga (Consular Agency)
Diplomatic Missions in Neighboring Countries
Explore the diplomatic missions of Italy in neighboring countries or regions of Colombia.
- Buenos Aires, Argentina (Embassy)
- Córdoba, Argentina (Consulate General)
- Rosario, Argentina (Consulate General)
- Bahía Blanca, Argentina (Consulate General)
- La Plata, Argentina (Consulate General)
- Mendoza, Argentina (Consulate General)
- San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Formosa, Argentina (Consulate)
- Lomas de Zamora, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Mar del Plata, Argentina (Consulate)
- Morón, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Necochea, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Resistencia, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Salta, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Santiago del Estero, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- San Isidro, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Viedma, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Las Varillas, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Pergamino, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Rafaela, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Río Cuarto, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- San Rafael, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Santa Rosa, Argentina (Honorary Consul)
- Tandil, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Tres Arroyos, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Villa María, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- Puerto Madryn, Argentina (Consular Agency)
- La Paz, Bolivia (Embassy)
- Santa Cruz, Bolivia (Honorary Consul)
- Sucre, Bolivia (Honorary Consul)
- Brasília - DF, Brazil (Embassy)
- Recife, Brazil (Consulate)
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Consulate General)
- São Paulo, Brazil (Consulate General)
- Curitiba, Brazil (Consulate General)
- Porto Alegre, Brazil (Consulate General)
- Belo Horizonte, Brazil (Consulate)
- Campinas, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Belém, Brazil (Consulate)
- Juiz de Fora, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Londrina, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Manaus, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Paranaguá, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Rio Grande, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Salvador, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Vitória, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Amparo, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Campo Grand, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Jundiaí, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Natal, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Passo Fundo, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Rio Claro, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Santa Maria, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Santo André, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- São José do Rio Preto, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Criciúma, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Bento Gonçalves, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Guarulhos, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Boa Vista, Brazil (Consular Agency)
- Florianópolis, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Fortaleza, Brazil (Honorary Consul)
- Santiago, Chile (Embassy)
- Concepción, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Valparaíso, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Iquique, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Copiapó, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- La Serena, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Punta Arenas, Chile (Honorary Consul)
- Willemstad, Curaçao (Honorary Consul)
- Quito, Ecuador (Embassy)
- Guayaquil, Ecuador (Honorary Consul)
- Cayenne, French Guiana (Honorary Consul)
- Asunción, Paraguay (Embassy)
- Ciudad del Este, Paraguay (Honorary Consul)
- Encarnación, Paraguay (Honorary Consul)
- Lima, Peru (Embassy)
- Arequipa, Peru (Honorary Consul)
- Tacna, Peru (Consular Agency)
- Ancash, Peru (Honorary Consul)
- Cusco, Peru (Honorary Consul)
- Paramaribo, Suriname (Honorary Consul)
- Montevideo, Uruguay (Embassy)
- Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay (Honorary Consul)
- Paysandú, Uruguay (Honorary Consul)
- Maldonado, Uruguay (Honorary Consul)
- Rivera, Uruguay (Consular Agency)
- Tacuarembó, Uruguay (Consular Agency)
- Caracas, Venezuela (Embassy)
- Maracaibo, Venezuela (Consulate)
- Barcelona-Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Maracay, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- San Juan de los Morros, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Valencia, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Barinas, Venezuela (Consular Agency)
- Ciudad Ojeda, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Los Teques, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Maturín, Venezuela (Consular Agency)
- Mérida, Venezuela (Consular Agency)
- Porlamar, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- San Cristóbal, Venezuela (Honorary Consul)
- Coro, Venezuela (Consular Agency)
See also
This is NOT the official website of the Embassy of Italy in Bogotá, Colombia. All materials have been prepared for general information purposes only. The content on this website is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date. If you wish to report an issue, please let us know.
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Local Times and Last Update
Bogotá, Colombia: 6:13 AM, Monday January 13, 2025 (SA Pacific Standard Time)
Rome, Italy: 12:13 PM, Monday January 13, 2025 (W. Europe Standard Time)
This page was last edited on 20 June 2024 at 02:06 AM (EST).