Consulate of Argentina in Palma, Spain
Consulate of Argentina in Palma, Spain, located at Calle San Miguel 30, Piso 4º C. View a location map, get driving directions to the Consulate of Argentina, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, online resources, namely the official website and Facebook page, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM).
Consulate Address
Calle San Miguel 30, Piso 4º C
07002 Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears
Spain -
+34 971 721 955
+34 971 714 630
Office Hours
Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm
Location Map
Use the map below for detailed directions and nearby points of interest.
Visa Requirements
If you hold a Spanish passport, you do not need a visa to enter Argentina.
Common Visa Types
Citizens of qualified countries may be able to travel to Argentina without a visa. The most common types of Argentina visas are the following.
- Transit visa
- Business visa
- Family reunification visa
- Student visa
- Medical treatment visa
- Media/Journalist visa
- Religious visa
- Transit visa
- Residency visas
Head of Mission
Mónica Clarisa Avogadro, Consul
Online Resources
Explore the consulate and the services it offers. Visit their official website or follow them on their social media platforms.
Additional Missions in Spain
Besides Consulate of Argentina in Palma, Spain, Argentina also has 5 representations in the following cities of Spain:
- Madrid (Embassy)
- Barcelona (Consulate General)
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Consulate)
- Vigo (Consulate General)
- Cádiz (Consulate)
Diplomatic Missions in Neighboring Countries
Explore the diplomatic missions of Argentina in neighboring countries or regions of Spain.
- Sofia, Bulgaria (Embassy)
- Athens, Greece (Embassy)
- Holy See (Vatican City) (Embassy)
- Rome, Italy (Embassy)
- Milan, Italy (Consulate General)
- Lisbon, Portugal (Embassy)
- Bucharest, Romania (Embassy)
- Belgrade, Serbia (Embassy)
- Ankara, Turkey (Embassy)
- Istanbul, Turkey (Consulate General)
Spain in Argentina
Spain has 48 representations in the following cities:
- Buenos Aires
- Mendoza
- Córdoba
- Buenos Aires
- Rosario
- San Luis
- Paso de los Libres
- Formosa
- Venado Tuerto
- Chivilcoy
- Neuquen
- Resistencia
- Tandil
- San Miguel de Tucuman
- La Plata
- Necochea
- Puerto Madryn
- Pergamino
- Mar del Plata
- Gualeguaychú
- Rafaela
- San Rafael
- Santa Fe
- Concordia
- San Juan
- Zarate
- Corrientes
- Rio Gallegos
- Tres Arroyos
- Santa Rosa
- Rio Cuarto
- La Rioja
- Salta
- Ayacucho
- San Carlos de Bariloche
- Bahia Blanca
- Posadas
- Azul
- Junin
- San Pedro
- Santa Teresita
- Trenque Lauquen
- Carhué
- Comodoro Rivadavia
- Trelew
- Viedma
- Puerto San Julián
- Villa Mercedes
This is NOT the official website of the Consulate of Argentina in Palma, Spain. All materials have been prepared for general information purposes only. The content on this website is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date. If you wish to report an issue, please let us know.
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Local Times and Last Update
This page was last edited on 29 September 2024 at 03:23 AM (EST).