Malawi's Ambassadors and Representatives
Explore the list of heads of missions of Malawi, including Ambassadors and Representatives. These representatives play a vital role in fostering diplomatic relationships, supporting citizens abroad, and strengthening cultural and economic ties with other nations. This page provides detailed information about Malawi's diplomatic missions, their locations, and the countries they are accredited to. Click on an entry to learn more about their roles and missions.
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Dr. Naomi Ngwira - Ambassador
Dr. Levi Njombole Nyondo - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Allan Chintedza - Ambassador
Catherine Nurujean Kunje - Ambassador
Kester Kaphaizi - Ambassador
Joseph John Mpinganjira - Ambassador
Kwacha CHISIZA - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Younos Abdul Karim - Ambassador
Justice Esme Jynet Chombo - Ambassador
Mwayiwawo M. Polepole - Ambassador
Caroline Cyrenia Sakina BWANALI MUSSA - Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative
Dr. Agnes Mary Chimbiri-Molande - Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative
Disclaimer: Information in the above list may not be up to date due to regular personnel changes. The content on this website is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date. If you wish to report an issue, please let us know.