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Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations in New York

Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations in New York, located at 866 United Nations Plaza #516. View a location map, get driving directions or find information about the address, phone, official website, Twitter, consular services, and head of mission (HOM).

  • Address

    866 United Nations Plaza #516
    New York, NY 10017
    United States
  • Telephone

    (212) 935-1680

  • Email

    [email protected], [email protected]

  • Office Hours

    Please call the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations in New York, at (212) 935-1680 to find out the current hours of operation and other details.

Location Map

Location map of the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations in New York

Social Media

Head of Mission

Cristian Espinosa Cañizares, Ambassador and Permanent Representative

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Ecuador Passports

Ecuador issues several types of passports, including:

Ordinary Passport (Pasaporte Ordinario): This is the standard passport issued to Ecuadorian citizens for general travel purposes.

Diplomatic Passport (Pasaporte Diplomático): Diplomatic passports are issued to diplomats, high-ranking government officials, and individuals representing the Ecuadorian government on diplomatic missions.

Official Passport (Pasaporte Oficial): Official passports are issued to government officials and individuals representing the Ecuadorian government.

Emergency Passport

An emergency passport (Pasaporte de Emergencia) is issued in cases of urgent travel where a regular passport cannot be obtained in time. It is a temporary travel document with limited validity.

Consular Services and Assistance

Ecuador's diplomatic missions, such as embassies and consulates, provide a range of consular services, such as passport issuance, renewal, and replacement, services related to birth registration, and notarial services including, authentication, legalization, and certification. Ecuador's diplomatic missions also provide consular assistance, and consular protection to Ecuadorian citizens traveling or living abroad, including assistance during emergencies.

Besides Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations in New York Ecuador also has 11 representations in the following cities of United States:

All diplomatic missions of Ecuador in United States

Diplomatic missions of Ecuador in neighbouring countries/regions of United States:

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United States in Ecuador

United States has 2 representations in the following cities:

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This page was last edited on 01 April 2024 at 11:59 PM (EST).